Housing Benefit Navigation

Consulting, benefit navigation, and supportive services to Minnesotans to find or keep their homes.

Person Centered Housing Plans

We provide independent person-centered plans to enroll those who qualify for Housing Stabilization Services.

Organizational Consulting Services

We provide independent person-centered plans to enroll those who qualify into Housing Stabilization Services.

Our Services

Housing Stabilization Services

Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) is a new benefit for individuals on Medical Assistance to help find and maintain housing.

Relocation Service Coordination

Relocation Service Coordination is a Medical Assistance (MA) reimbursed case management benefit that helps people living..

Moving Home Minnesota

Through the MHM program, we assist individuals in securing safe and affordable housing, regardless of their rental history. 

Transitional Services

We assist Items and expenses necessary and reasonable for a person to transition from an eligible setting to their new home. This includes